Samstag, 16.9.2023, 16.00 Uhr
Together with Mai Lings
Guided tour with Aki Lee and Virginia Lui
in Cantonese and Mandarin
2023年9月16日 16.00
与Mai Ling一起
Aki Lee, Virginia Lui 和 Hui Ye 将提供粤语和普通话导览
2023年9月16日 16.00
連同Mai Ling一起
Aki Lee, Virginia Lui 和 Hui Ye 將提供粵語和普通話導覽
Together with Mai Lings
Mai Ling offers guided tours in several languages.
Together with Mai Lings is a series of guided tours that center the voices of artists, cultural workers, collectives, and initiatives of Asian descent based in Austria. Each tour guide will act as a mediator between Mai Ling’s artworks and their own artistic practice and lived experiences to offer a unique perspective on the exhibition.
The guided tours are an extension of Mai Ling Speaks, which was initiated in 2020 as a series of talks and interviews connecting the active voices dealing with the escalation of anti-Asian xenophobia.
Max. 20 participants
Admission and guided tour: Free of charge
Meeting point: Foyer of the Secession