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Forms of the Shadow
Format: 21 x 29,7 cm
Details: Softcover, 48 pages
Series design concept: Sabo Day
Grafik: Sabo Day
Texts: Su-Mi Kang, Sunjung Kim & Jeyun Moon, Ingo Niermann
Languages: German, English
22 images
Secession 2024
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König, Cologne
ISBN 978-3-7533-0627-8
EUR 18.-
The exhibition Forms of the Shadow is accompanied by a publication that features texts by Sunjung Kim and Jeyun Moon; Su-Mi Kang; and Ingo Niermann. Functioning as both an exhibition guide and a stand-alone reader, the publication offers further insights and points-of-entry into the multifaceted practices of the artists featured in the show.