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Mykola Ridnyi

Mykola Ridnyi, Publication 

Mykola Ridnyi, photo: Iris Ranzinger

This publication is available for free download here:

Format: 17 x 24 cm

Details: Softcover, dustjacke, 80 pages

Series design concept: Sabo Day

Graphic design: Sabo Day, Rosen Eveleigh

Texts: Daniel Muzyczuk, Anna Remešová, Mykola Ridnyioemi Smolik (essay), Pauline Chirata Mukondiwa (poem), Fadzai Veronica Muchemwa (conversation)

Ca. 40 images

Secession 2023

Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König, Köln

ISBN 978-3-7533-0524-0

EUR 18.-


The book to be released in conjunction with the exhibition includes an essay by Daniel Muzyczuk that explores the context of Ridnyi’s new film The District and his interest in the Polish artist Władysław Strzemiński’s (1893–1952) Theory of Vision. In a conversation with Anna Remešová that was originally published in the Czech online art magazine Artalk seven months after the outbreak of the war, Ridnyi first sketches the idea for the film that now premieres at the Secession. The book contains numerous illustrations as well as an artistic intervention, consisting of a series of postcards showing eight video stills from the artist’s new film The District, a personal exploration of his memories of the largely destroyed district of North Saltivka in Kharkiv, where he lived during his school years. One randomly selected motif is enclosed with each book, like a shared memory.


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1010 Vienna
Tel. +43-1-587 53 07