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Beatriz Santiago Muñoz

Beatriz Santiago Muñoz, photo: Iris Ranzinger

This publication is available for free download here:

Beatriz Santiago Muñoz

Format: 21 x 14,8 cm

Details: Softcover, dust jacket, 104 pages, insert with poems selected by the artist (brochure, 16 pages)

Series design concept: Sabo Day

Graphic design: Rosen Eveleigh

Text: Claudia Beccera/Beatriz Santiago Muñoz (conversation)

Language: English, German, Spanish

1 image

Secession 2024

Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König, Köln

ISBN 978-3-7533-0630-8

EUR 18.-


The publication accompanying the exhibition Elogio al disparate documents an email conversation between the artist and Puerto Rican writer Claudia Becerra. In this dialogue, they exchange thoughts on the concept of nonsense and jitanjáforas, allowing themselves to drift in a spirit of free association while resisting the urge to impose form or meaning on everything. At the center of this exchange are excerpts and poems by Latin American authors such as Clarice Lispector, Alfonso Reyes, Alejandra Pizarnik, Mariano Brull, Francisco Matos Paoli, César Vallejo, José Carlos Mariátegui, Martín Adán, and Bobby Capó. Their texts are presented as a removable book within the book, shaping the artistic intervention.


Vereinigung bildender Künstler*innen Wiener Secession
Friedrichstraße 12
1010 Vienna
Tel. +43-1-587 53 07