Format: 21 x 29,7 cm
Details: Softcover, dustjacket, 168 pages
Series design concept: Sabo Day
Grafik: Sabo Day
Design assistance: Augustinas Milkus
Text: Andrew Blackley
Languages: German, English
115 images
Secession 2023
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König, Köln
ISBN 978-3-7533-0522-6
EUR 24.-
A multifaceted play with language and meaning can be grasped in their work and exhibition titles. In their practice, they have been working against the grain of some of the art world’s conventions, from medium specificity to questions of branding and commodification. In so doing, they inquire into modes of circulation of artworks and into how artists can become brands and accrue value with their public personas. To the artist, renegotiating the limits of artistic media and common presentation formats seems as crucial as unsettling expectations and conceptions of identity directed at individuals––above all, artists.
A comprehensive publication of street-style photographs taken by SoiL Thornton with their cell phone since 2015 combined with the codes for gender identities and sexualities of the LGBT Flags Merge! game app and a text commissioned by the artist (author: Andrew Blackley) will accompany the exhibition Choosing Suitor.
The artistic intervention consists of the Instagram account @choosing_suitor_intervention, which extends the exploration of these various curiosities.
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