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/František Lesák. Supposition and Reality

Format: 24 x 32.7 cm
Details: Swiss brochure in three-part fanfold cover, thread-stitching, 152 pages
Concept, images, and texts (g/e): František Lesák
ca. 100 illustrations
Secession 2021
Distribution: Revolver Publishing


The artist’s book Supposition and Reality gathers different bodies of work that are united by a common theme: the interest in the sides of things that are turned away from the viewer, that escape perception. The idea of the multiplicity of aspects is also probed in systematic fashion in various graphic series and writings by the artist.

František Lesák. Vermutung und Wirklichkeit

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Vereinigung bildender Künstler*innen Wiener Secession
Friedrichstraße 12
1010 Vienna
Tel. +43-1-587 53 07