Dienstag, 13.8.2024, 20.00 Uhr
On 13 August, Tuesday@Secession will be featuring a film by artist Peter Zolly as well as an evening of music by Michael Gumhold.
Peter Zolly
usless trees
Since the beginning of my artistic activities, there have been a few "guidelines" that have consistently preoccupied me thematically, whether in my painting, photography, or filmmaking. These include quotes from pop music, from feature films (e.g., Pier Paolo Pasolini's "Uccellacci e uccellini"), the theme of birds, or felled trees. Felled trees, because you can then examine and photographically capture the growth rings. The title "useless trees" is taken from the lyrics of the song "The Trees" by the British band Pulp. There are few comparable things in nature: the growth rings of trees, essentially a visual biography, as well as the birth and death certificate of a living being.
Michael Gumhold
The multilayered referential system of the artist Michael Gumhold does not hesitate to encompass all icons of music, art, or design history. With no sense of scruple, he reaches into the treasure chest of our memories and frees the archives in our minds. He dissects, dismantles, repeats and makes new linkages and lays out the track along which we follow him into his semiotic visual universe. During the entire evening at Tuesday@Secession evening Gumhold will perform a DJ Set playing rarely heard records.